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Crosswire Dispatch Console

Logic Wireless' Crosswire software application is an advanced dispatch and radio management platform.

User of Crosswire dispatch console
Crosswire dispatch console screenshot

Connectivity and convergence

Crosswire dispatch console is a very flexible server/client-based dispatch console for analogue and DMR Tier 2 and Tier 3 radio fleets.

Logic Wireless’ Crosswire dispatch console is a highly scalable, flexible and affordable solution designed to unlock the full potential of a two-way radio platform. See increased business efficiency, improved worker safety and a greater return on the radio system investment with Crosswire.

An operator can locate, message or alert within one or multiple windows. Crosswire also offers a platform to allow enterprises to integrate new technologies such as PTT over cellular (PTToC) or satellite communications.

Crosswire Specifications

  • Voice dispatch
  • Messaging
  • Mapping
  • Audio and event recording
  • Geofencing and Lone Worker
  • Task Scheduler
  • Emergency events
  • Can be hosted within a client’s enterprise or the cloud
  • Supports Tait DMR Tier 2 and Tier 3 systems (direct IP connection to Tait node controller (AIS)) and analogue (requires use of base mobile and RolP gateway)*

*Other systems or configurations may be supported: please contact your local Logic Dealer for more information.

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