Comms Connect Melbourne 2023 Recap

Recently, the Logic team headed to Comms Connect 2023 in Melbourne, Australia.

Connecting & protecting teams.

Recently, the Logic team headed to Comms Connect 2023 in Melbourne, Australia. Over two days (18-19 October), Logic staff from Australia and New Zealand had great conversations with our partners and end-users about the fantastic life-saving solutions we were showcasing. 

Our booth focused on solutions that connected teams and vehicles to protect them while working. On display were high-performance Sensear headsets that provide situation awareness in high-noise environments, and rugged cellular devices from  Sonimi.Safe Mobile and Siyata Mobile, we gave a sneak peek at the new Logic Puck, a connectivity-extending device for Tait mobiles, that also provides fast and accurate location services data for use with AVL applications and other location-centric platforms (such as Logic Connect), and the innovative SmartPATCH solution from our partner, Nexion Data Systems

Thank you

To those we caught up with, thanks for your time (hopefully, you managed to snaffle a cool waterproof first aid kit or pack of Lifesavers too!), and to those we missed, please reach out to us if you want to hear about any of the above solutions. With Logic by your side, we’ll help keep your staff connected and protected. 

Want to see more solutions from Logic Wireless, or learn how we can work together? Contact Logic or find your local Logic Dealer today.